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Yumi Karasumaru Solo Exhibition Woven - East & West, painting & design

- Dates: September. 4, Sat. ‒ October. 3, Sun, 2021
Open: Wednesday ‒ Sunday / 11:00 ‒ 19:00 Closed: Monday and Tuesday
Venue: KATSUYA SUSUKI GALLERY 1-32-17 Kakinokizaka, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, Japan

  • Shin-design + plus series n.1 – with Bosch, 2021, 35x35x4cm, pencil, indian ink and acrylic on canvas

    Katsuya Susuki Gallery is pleased to announce a solo exhibition by Yumi Karasumaru, Woven- East & West, painting & design. This will be her first solo exhibition held in Japan in five years. Karasumaru says that the COVID-19 pandemic has given her the opportunity to reflect and renew herself. Based mainly in Italy, Karasumaruʼs creation in various styles has been further expanded in recent years into not only paintings, but also three-dimensional works, video works, and her unique storyteller performances. This exhibition consists of her new artwork sequence “Shin design + plus series”, which she started in the midst of the pandemic, and other fourteen to fifteen two-dimensional paintings. The sequence is an integrated art where Karasumaru employs her exceptional sense of color into traditional Japanese painting design adding the essence of European medieval art as the root of the paintings history. In this way, the elements of the Eastern and the Western, painting and design, and medieval and contemporary arts are all interwoven and fused with each other into a new form of her art.

    Shin-design + plus series n.4 – with Van Eyck, 2021, 35x35x4cm, pencil, indian ink and acrylic on canvas

    Shin-design + plus series n.11 – with Dürer (part) , 2021, 35x25x1,5cm, pencil, indian ink and acrylic on canvas